Friday, June 7, 2013

Telmen Lake - Russian Border

Friday, June 07, 2013 – 6:00 a.m. (EST)

It is 6:00 a.m. and, having gone to bed late after watching a disappointing HEAT loss in the first game of the NBA finals, the ringing of the phone resulted in nasty thoughts about the caller. It is the first day of summer vacation and the daily 5:00 am wake-up calls had just been cancelled until August!

The call did not last long, we were cut off twice, but John reported that they arrived at the last campsite, which is 20 kms from the Russian border. It is very cold that they may sleep in the car on this last night of camping. All the cars are shaking to bits – the roads are worse than anyone anticipated. Little Red’s doors are sagging from the beating, making them difficult to open.

He thanks all suggestions for the repairs and although he and Brett can do a lot of the work on Little Red, a little help from a proper VW garage is welcome. Unfortunately, I had to inform him that I had not heard from the local (Novosibirsk) VW clubs or dealership.

Both are well …. and the call disconnected. We will have to wait until tomorrow for further reports.

Now for that big cup of coffee....


  1. So, there is truly a great deal to be thankful for! Now, Let's Go Heat!

  2. Francis stops working on the Porsche engine to inspect and assist with Little Red. A few deft turns of a wrench and a screwdriver and the steering is greatly improved. After several minutes of inspection, Francis looks at me a says “Nice preparation!” website
